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Members only

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This area contains subpages that are viewable to AMSPC members only. 

If you are a member, be sure to login first to view member content.

If you are not a member but wish to join AMSPC to gain access, please complete the online member application.


How to Renew your Membership

  1. Login to your AMSPC account (upper right corner of the screen)
  2. Click on Edit Profile - then follow the instructions to renew


  1. Login to your AMSPC account (upper right corner of the screen)
  2. Visit the Membership Application page - it will recognize you as a member and allow you to renew from there.

Request an Invoice for Dues

If you need an invoice to process a check payment, you will have an option on the payment page to save your renewal in process and generate an invoice.  A copy will be emailed to your address on file.  To view your outstanding invoices and past paid orders, visit your Member Profile (login) and click on the Orders & Invoices tab.

ASMSPC  is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

Call or Email Us
Office: 305-661-5581 

Mailing Address:
6524 SW 61st Terrace

Miami, FL 33143

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software